Indie Wineries is a family-value driven company with a love for the craft of winemaking, and the winemakers behind the wines. To them, each wine carries a story, a history. Not just about the soil and terrain that it was grown in, but the people and families, the philosophies of their craft. The goal was to redesign their 300 page site, in a way that would allow Indie to best tell these stories and to create a site that was on par with the tremendous breadth of wines in their portfolio, showcasing the striking landscapes from which these wines sprang.
Producer Landing Page
The keystone element of the producer pages centered around an infographic that represented all of the global producers that make up the Indie family. Part infographic, part navigational tool, the overall map is also a way to navigate to countries and regions specific to the Indie portfolio.
Indie Wineries Producer Map and User Navigation
Site detail capturing the property which houses both the Indie Wineries Italian headquarters, and Iuli, one of their finest Producers within the portfolio
The new website celebrates each producer, their unique story, history, and philosophy of winemaiking. Below are just a few of the dozens of producer stories that now fill the pages of the Indie site.
Client: Indie Wineries. Creative: Will Tams, The Collective Spark.